iTech Solutions
What is a Static Website?
  • Static websites usually come with a fixed number of pages that have a specific layout.
  • When the page runs on a browser, the content is literally static and doesn’t change in response to user actions.
  • A static website is usually created with HTML and CSS in simple text editors like Notepad.
  • If you need a website smaller than three pages, opting for a static website is the proper choice. Building it doesn’t take as much time or effort as in the case of dynamic websites.
  • If the pages of your website must look different, the HTML code can easily be duplicated on each of these pages, containing the necessary changes.
  • Even though the website will display the same thing with no intricate navigation details, static websites don’t need to feature just plain text.
  • In fact, you can use various multimedia elements and videos.
  • An HTML website can look beautiful, but the page’s source code won’t change, no matter what actions a user takes on it.
What is a Dynamic Website?
  • Compared to static websites, which are purely informational, a dynamic website is more functional.
  • It allows users to interact with the information that is listed on the page. Of course, that requires utilizing more than just HTML code.
  • Static websites use only client-side HTML and CSS code while dynamic websites rely on both client-side and server-side scripting languages such as JavaScript, PHP, or ASP.
  • When a user accesses a dynamic website, the site can be changed through code that is run in the browser and/or on the server.
  • The end result is the same as that in a static website: an HTML page displayed on the web browser.
  • To generate dynamic content, such websites use a combination of server-side and client-side scripting.
  • Client-side scripting refers to code that is executed by the browser, usually with JavaScript.Meanwhile, server-side scripting refers to code that is executed by the server(before the content is sent to the user’s browser).
iTech Solutions